Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Hip-Hop Evaluation 2010
I felt that in order to avoid a bunch of bullshit and backlash for this post that it would be best if I enlisted some opinions from a few different hip-hop heads, who I know see things differently than I do. In all honesty, the responses that I received were respectable. The issue is that some of the responses seemed to lack what I call "artist integrity". ---Hey it's just my opinion.
Here are the questions that I asked my friends along with my summary of their responses and my views. I hope you find it as interesting I did.
1. Do you feel that lyrics in hip-hop have declined over the last 10 years?
Some feel that lyrics have indeed declined but ultimately, who cares? It's not like hip-hop is going to go away because lyrics are not as creative or interesting, right?
My problem with the decline in lyrics is that I am a person who believes in progression for the betterment of the big picture. So, if hip-hop started with a DJ and an MC but later involved into a DJ just playing a beat and every MC striving to be the BEST MC, then how are we better off today with "MC's" not striving to be the best?
I root for any black man getting legal money so I don't knock Gucci Mane or any other lesser MC for getting legal money. But, I do have a problem with us "hip-hop" fans supporting a lackluster effort of music and spending money on it.
Wait. Here is the part where I am supposed to understand that people like what they like and just leave it at that.
----Yeah Right----
It is not the fault of the artist for being wack, because there were wack artist around back in the day (Kool Mo Dee), then dope MC's came along and shitted on them for being wack (LL Cool J). Why is this relevant to today? It's relevant because today's artist have become those wack Kool Mo Dee rappers and today's fans have become the fans of that radio ready music.
**for those of you who don't know the Kool Mo Dee situation...just see Ja Rule and 50 Cent.
But, the blame doesn't just rest on the shoulders of the fans. I would also like to give a big shout out to the major labels and media outlets for selling their souls to keep themselves in business and going with the "catchy-ringtone-one hit wonder-records" instead of trusting the "older hip-hop" to continue to support dope music.
2. Are "lyrical artist" (i.e. Nas, Talib Kweli, Black Thought of The Roots) no longer relevant and/or great?
The responses that I got to this one were interesting because I assumed that artist like the ones that I named in the question were like fossils. As it turns out they are still respected, but just not relevant. Today's relevance is now acknowledge by radio/club airplay. Now, we all know of a shit load of artist that are out, whether they are lyrical or not, that just aren't very relevant in the clubs or on the radio...and definitely not on TV. And today it seems that everyone has their own taste. But, why is it that the lyrical artist seem to be at the bottom when it comes to the hip-hop totem pole? I mean the BET top 10 MC's list featured two, maybe three lyrical artist on it.
And, none of the artist that were on the list are independent artist. Which says to me, unless you are on a major label, it doesn't make sense to be lyrical because you certainly won't get any recognition from your peers. Hmm....Lupe Fiasco is on a major label.
Does he not count as a top MC? If not, why? because his singles don't play on the air as often, or he doesn't pop up on the main media outlets everyday like the others. The funny thing is that Lupe does good numbers, especially considering the fact that he has to market to fans that aren't really the fans that majority of the major labels market to. Lupe was so praised when he was "under Jay-Z" and kind of shunned when he was on his own doing THE COOL album.
I guess it means that no matter if your lyrical or not, your relevance depends on your cosigner. If you have Jay-Z behind you, then you can succeed (Kanye West), or Diddy backing you (Rick Ross), or Lil' Wayne backing you (Drake), or Eminem backing you (50 Cent). Good forbid you be lyrical on your own and try to succeed....
(see Nas w/o Columbia, Joe Budden w/o Def Jam, Canibus w/o LL Cool J...ok #BadJoke)
3. Do you see the direction that hip-hop has gone in to be a good one or a bad one. (meaning from the days of "Lyrical Artist" to "Dope Boys and Gangsta music" (Young Jeezy, Dipset, Gucci Mane) to "Hip-Pop" (Drake, Nikki Minaj, new Lil' Wayne, B.O.B)
This question pissed a couple of people off because they disagreed with part of my assessment of some hip-hop being pop"ish". Here is why I say it's POP"ish". Taken from the billboard top pop songs chart.
#3. Nelly - Just A Dream
Nelly has been nominated for 9 Grammy awards with the words hip-hop attached to the name of the award #DAFUCK
#12. Eminem - Love The Way You Lie
Eminem is arguably the biggest "hip-hop" artist ever...need I say more about hip-pop???
#20 B.O.B - Airplanes
B.O.B is currently nominated for 3 American Music Awards (none of which have POP attached to the name of the award)
I have no problem with artist getting recognition for great music. I like those songs (well, except for Nelly's joint but whatever) but what about the artist that are making dope hip-hop music that is not meant to blend with the pop charts? Do they not deserve recognition from the mass media? Guess not.
It's great that hip-hop has branched out and made itself so big that it has sub-divisions, but for goodness sakes, can we please not forget those who just care about the people who care about the original form. I mean I don't like Wacka Flacka but hey, I respect his hustle. But for some, reason I don't think he respects the hustle of artist like Redman, Mos Def, Tech Nine, Q-Tip, or Ghostface (who is one artist I respect tremendously for his work ethic. The dude as a ton of albums and very few that have sold, but hey he is a true grindin' type of MC and you gotta love that.)
4. Place the following of the "BET Top 10 Rappers of the 21st Century" criteria in order of importance to you...
Digital Swagga
Cultural Impact
Subject Range
This question was the simplest of questions and least opinionated one to answer. What I found most interesting is that all of my friends answered with Money being at the bottom. I think that's funny because Jay-Z has certainly lost a step in all of the above criteria except for money...and maybe cultural impact. Nevertheless, he still regarded as "the best" in the game by a lot of fans. But, without lyrics, who cares about any of the other criteria at all? If lyrics are so unimportant then Oprah Winfrey should become a rapper and throw her hat in the ring. I mean she certainly will dominate in all of the criteria....well except for lyrics that is....but who gives a shit
5. What does it take to make an artist a "great"?
Finally something that all of my peoples agreed on. We are all at least certain that it takes a certain amount of effort to want to be great in order to in great. That's cool with me. Even if I don't like Rick Ross records, I can hear the sincerity in which he wants to be a "great" (nowadays at least).
We did, however, have different views to who is great. Because to some it takes a group of people to say that you are great in order to be great. To others, it just takes one to say that an artist is great in order for an artist to be great. Personally I would like to poll these artist while they are hooked to a polygraph machine and ask them...
"With the music you are putting out, do you really believe that you are GREAT? Really???"
So, I took the views of my friends and tried to apply them to myself. I told myself to not worry about being so dope lyrically, and just make the songs that appeal to the masses so that I can be considered great. After all, that's the only thing that I want. The problem is, in my eyes as a hip-hop fan, I can't see me being GREAT without the dope lyrics.
Maybe when me and Prince Blakk decide to record "Stage Of My Life" I will tap into my inner Hip-POP self and come up with something to put me on the radar so that I will at least be in the conversation of the people when the speak about "The Greats".....
Although, none of the hip-hop artist I consider to be great ever sniffed a Billboard Pop Chart.
-Thanks you guys for your input!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Talk
Naaaahhh, I just wanted to give my spectacular brain a rest and write something that someone else would find relevant besides myself. The fact that the idea for this blog came from the most awesome girl that I know just makes this post a wee bit more special. I kicked away some decent ideas before the light bulb of this interesting not-so-evil pandora's box of a topic was mentioned to me. Then I decided to write.
So what's the topic??? .......
"The Talk"
Now if your a 14-16 year old horny school boy or girl (1) you probably shouldn't be reading anything that I write and (2) you are sorely mistaken on what I mean when I say "The Talk."
The Talk is 3rd most dreaded conversation that a man could have. The number two frightening conversation that a guy can have involves a woman saying something along the lines of "I'm late by multiple months", or " I reenacted the scene from Juno where Ellen Page drank a gallon of Sunny Delight and peed on a stick to find out her ultimate fate". Oh, obviously the number one horrifying conversation that any man could have is the dialogue that involves a hot doctor like Katherine Heigl telling him that he has The Aids.
So, what is the The Talk?
Plain and simple The Talk is the conversation that a guy and a girl, who have been dating for sometime, have to determine what the hell it is that they are doing. It's the conversation that gives the involvement of the two beings a title. It's the talk that has the power to transform a female from being a "jump off/fuck buddy/booty call", or a hangout partner, or even a potential girlfriend candidate to an exclusive girlfriend. But for a guy it's power is used to castrate them from being a "player/pimp/womanizer", or a girls "best guy friend", or even a potential boyfriend candidate into an exclusive future hubby. These aren't all of the situations and variables that lead to the talk, but they are certainly a few combinations that most of us can relate to.
What I recently learned is that The Talk is nearly almost as terrifying to a woman as it is to a man. But of course the reasons are different.
For guys:
The Talk is seen as an end to a good thing. A good thing being, casual sex and random hook ups with a chick who will put up with us until she feels the need to screw it up by asking questions and catching feelings. The Talk for a guy is usually not even a conversation but a hostage negotiation where in order for a woman to release the the key to her panties (for unlocking), and the key to her mouth (for locking) we have to give her exclusivity and become her "Man." The Talk is what forces marriages and also divorces
*sorry, you can't have one with out the other.
For woman:
The Talk is the safest way to trap a man. It a woman's way of outsmarting a man in order to gain a companion. In all honesty the talk is usually the 1st method that women use to lock on to a man. Need I remind you that woman are sneaky and intelligent, which is the deadliest combination since hydrogen & helium isotopes (atoms for the atomic bomb), so a woman is more than capable of finding more catastrophic ways to make a man her personal possession.
Even though The Talk is usually the 1st method that women use, it isn't the most popular. Actually, it's a little thing that I like to call the "Trap-A-N***a-Baby"
***obviously we all aren't negroes so please substitute for your heritage***
The methods that woman use aren't important. The fact that there are some women who fear The Talk almost as much as men tells me women are equally as promiscuous as we are. The difference is woman are willing to strong arm men via sex deprivation and verbal strong-arming with statements such as "you won't get into these panties unless there is a commitment."
Overall The Talk is needed and actually productive, but sometimes hurtful and destructive. It is productive because it can provide two individuals who are ready to take the next step into a relationship with the nudge that they need. But The Talk can be destructive due to two a man and a woman being on separate pages. I mean if the man just wants a nice cozy hole to thrust in and the woman wants a pretty shiny ring to put on, then the end result from The Talk will be something like an episode of Maury (i mean really it doesn't matter if he is the father or not if you just spent the last 25 minutes on national television making an ass of yourself). It just ends bad period.
So what is the point....
The Talk should only be held by two people who are interested in getting to the same goal, whatever that may be. Whether it's an equal understanding of "just sex and dating" or "no sex and dating" or "all poker chips in, I'm willing to risk it all commitment"; The Talk should only be held when both people are in accordance of what they want from each other.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Practicing Patience and My Love Life History
Where is Sonny going with this?
Honestly, I'm not sure.
But what made me want to do this "patience" thing is the fact that I have never practiced this shit before, and when someone told me to take it as a challenge my internal response was(in my Mike Myers Wayne's World voice) ...Game On!
This post will be me airing out my love life in the hopes that while doing it, I can figure out what has gotten me to the point of wanting to practice the one thing that I don't like nor have...patience.
Love #1 was like a little sister to me. She and I had a mutual understanding that we would never get involved with each other. But one day she grew a set of balls and asked me to look at her in a way that I swore I would never do. She wanted me to view her as a woman with a vagina. Even though I was partially raised in Alabama, I don't do the incest thing like the old school rednecks. I mean Love #1 is not my real sister but, as a friend she was like one of my best buds in a skirt. In fact, at the time she was the only female friend that I had ever had in my life and not had some sexual contact with.
Seeing how she was my absolute best friend at the time, once she made the request for me to at least attempt to be interested in her, i payed her attention...........
Hey wait a minute. I'm starting to like what I see here. Excellent.
We get involved. And the next time we saw each other (though it was months later), both of us were ripping each others clothes off like a pack of negroes catching a Klansman alone in the 1930s.
Point: Lack of patience for sex.
Love #2 was different. She was someone. We were complete strangers who did things kind of normal. We met. We talked on the phone. We went on a 1st date. We hung out one more time. And then...we screwed. To me that wasn't much of a problem, seeing how here body could make Jim Levenstein cum faster than watching Nadia do a strip tease on a pole with Stifler's Mom slapping her on the ass and throwing Andrew Jackson bills at her rock kickers.
**If the only person that you know in that last sentence is Andrew are lame. Now go watch American Pie!**
Now due to certain "legal issues" I can't really speak on much more than this but, in all honesty I wish that I would've done more investigating on what was going on in her head as opposed to what was going on in her Victoria's Secrets. Sex was great but not worth the trouble.
Point: Lack of patience for sex.
See a pattern here?
Now to bringing myself up to speed with my current situation
So obviously this trip down memory lane was sparked by me being asked to be patient about sex. Which initially I wanted to walk away by saying "hey, we had a great time and all, but I like to lay in legs. So take care.". But, when the idea came up for me to take it as a challenge, I jumped on it.
Now here is the kicker.....
I didn't take the challenge because I am super competitive (even though I am). I took the challenge because I see this as an opportunity to gain something that I have never had by doing something that I have never done.
This story is going to piss some people off, make some people think that I have lost my mind, but above all it gave me insight to myself.
So patience it is for me. Let's just see if this "patience is a virtue" thing is a virtue worth having
Thursday, October 7, 2010
No One Woman Should Have All That Power
18+ Only!
Women have it. Men want it (according to men)
Men have it. Women want it (according to women)
Yet, neither gender really knows what to do with it. Men have had "power" since the beginning of time. Yet, men are responsible for war, slavery, the Reagan Administration, Bush reelection, and pretty much everything bad that you could possibly think of. As a man, I must say that I am reluctant to admit this fact but, I am a realist. Men are some dumb, dominant, arrogant, greedy creatures. With that being said, it shouldn't come as a surprise to women that we chase so much tail. explination:
Dumb -- We always get caught cheating.
Dominant -- We tell women what they are going to do and expect them to do it.
Arrogant -- We tell females that they belong to us.
Greedy -- We still pursue more women even after we have a good one by our sides.
Relax fellas, I haven't gone Richard Simmons or Mario Cantone over here.
Hi ladies, this is the part where we all come to terms with your lack of proper execution with the "power" you'll have always had.
Woman have battled with men for equality for a very long time now. Some of the more noted battles are the right to vote and have the opportunity to work in the same positions as men. But the funny thing is that since the beginning of time (no, literally the beginning of time; see Adam & Eve), women have always had power over men and they have been horrible when it comes to doing the right thing with the greatest power of all.
**** We all know what that power is..............
********That's right
Women have had the ability to make men do any and everything that they want but somehow find a way to not use that power properly (and by properly I mean use it for good for all mankind). Now, there are some women out there who say pussy isn't power. If you believe that ladies then you should stick a Black Cat M-80 firecracker up your twat, light it on fire, let it explode, and then hang a "INTENTIONALLY OUT OF SERVICE'' sign on your granny panties. The reason that I say you should do that is because men will do anything for some legs. Men with big dicks just go by the creed "when in doubt...pull out", which means we will pull our cocks out asking for sex (and sometimes succeed that way.) Guys with small dicks (who aren't athletes, rock stars, or entertainers) will by a Ferrari or Porsche and offer you a night at a five star hotel downtown in your city (........and sometimes succeed that way).
"Why am I handing out this information?" you ask. It's to give proof of some of the stupid stuff that men will do for sex. But the better question is why do men have to do this stupid shit for sex? Because women do not handle "the promise land" properly.
Women say that men are sex crazed dogs, and at times we are. But this is only because we are not offered enough sex, and that's because women have come up with this idiotic idea to attach their main artery to the Vi-Jay-Jay.
*Note to women: if God wanted to link your heart and your twat together...he would've built you that way*
Seriously, I truly understand why women link the two. Some women think that if they hold out on sex or even offer it to a guy, then they have non-verbally explained to the man that they are interested in more than just a physical relationship. Now, even though I understand does NOT mean that I agree with this "Scientology Sex Belief". --meaning it is not real
I believe that if more women were able to view sex the way that we do (which is strictly an un-timed visit to an adult playground) then the power would be be equal. But what if women are in fear of being labeled a slut for enjoying sex with multiple partners?
*Way to go Sonny. You've manage to stump yourself in your own blog post*
...........Aha!! I got it!!
The answer to that question is: if all women were open to monogamy and treated their vagina less like a way to meet the Oracle in The Matrix, then no one would be a whore. EVER. Not even us guys.
But women don't want to relinquish their power over us. They like to be able to make a man do what they want, when they want, and how they want by threatening a man with sex or lack there of. Which is why I say that they use it improperly. Truthfully I think that any woman who uses sex as power over a man, must not be a woman of great character. What I mean by that is men don't give a shit about a woman saying "if you don't do this, then I am going to leave" but if a woman says "if you don't do this, then you wont get any sex for a month" men start to care a bit more.
So does that make it our fault as men for valuing sex so highly????
*See Sonny, you've stumped yourself again**
............Aha!! I got it, again!!
The answer to that question is: No. We have to value sex so highly in order to get it...because women value it so highly when it comes to giving us sex.
So what is the point of all of this...
If ladies loosened up the "pit bull holding onto a bone grip" that they have on their vaginas; then maybe, just might not be such sex crazed dogs!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
My Most Embarrassing Moment
For me to talk bad about myself isn't a problem at all because I am good at taking the same cruelty that I dish out (so to speak). The real problem is that.....I simply don't get embarrassed. I'm sure that some of you will read this and say that everyone gets embarrassed, but in all honesty I don't. So i have a slight dilemma here...Do I:
A.) disregard my agreement with my friend about telling my most embarrassing story
B.) struggle to find something that I have actually been embarrassed about. ................................................................................................................................
After taking some time I decided to dig deep and find a moment that had me feeling embarrassed. Now, I do have some things that I have done that I ain't proud of doing but I am not embarrassed for doing them. For instance, one night I got drunk, really drunk, like extremely drunk to the point where I didn't really remember my night before. Of course being the idiot that I am, I spent the night with a girl who in the morning told me the story of what happened the night before. Long story short (because this is not my most embarrassing moment) we had sex that night and she explained that I put on a monologue performance that could have gotten me cast as the star who replaces Denzel in Malcom X pt. 2. When she told me that I was verbal with her in bed, and with the anti-Rico Suave sex lecture she claims that I was telling her, I was disgusted with myself but not embarrassed. I wasn't embarrassed because apparently she didn't care about my "love speech" but more about my ability to stroke while inebriated.
So, clearly I have some moments that aren't very shiny but I don't find much to be embarrassing. So I took some more time and came up with this..............................
My most embarrassing moment is actually what gave me the confidence to be a hip-hop artist who is not afraid of putting his talent on display. The moment goes as follows:
6th grade math class in Birmingham, Al at Bush Middle School (go Bulldogs!) around 1:30 p.m. I was sitting in class talking way too mannish to this beautiful girl who I had a Texas sized crush on. The girl got upset with something that I said to her which referenced the size of her booty --
**See my mouth has always gotten me into trouble...and I have always been an "ass man" (pause)
So she caused this big scene in the middle of the classroom and told the teacher what I said. In reaction, the students in the class, who were taking an important test, laughed their asses off (guys laughed because they enjoyed a good "ass" joke, and girls laughed because they were glad that it wasn't directed towards them). The teacher even got a little kick out of it at first but then ordered me like a drill sergeant to go stand in the corner. Five minutes later I hear the teacher tell the girl to bring her my test off of my desk and then came "the moment".
The mischievous little future slore {slut & whore} (trust me on this one, the future is now present day and she is indeed a Slore) went through the notebook that I had on my desk and flipped through some of the pages and found an illustration that I drew. The piece was a representation of myself completely. It was artistic and entertaining for the youth and adults. It was my attempt at being an A&R for Snoop Doggy Dogg. To be more specific, it was an album cover (for an album that I completely fabricated and manifested in my own head) for Snoop. I guess the girl was a Snoop Dogg fan and never heard of the album that I created for him. So she made it hear hip-hop civic duty to announce it to the class and show it to the teacher.
**If you have never seen the movie Superbad, there is a scene in the film where this girl knocks over a fat kids lunch box and a shit load of penis illustrations start pouring out onto the floor. Well my embarrassment level was right around the area of the fat kids. #ImJustSayin**

The teacher decided to retaliate for my ass joke on the girl and make rap jokes about me. She asked if I wanted to be Snoop Dogg, if I was going to grow up to be a rap star who didn't know how to do fractions, if I...well you guys get the picture. Nearly every student in the school turned me into the point and giggle or the wait until he passes and laugh hysterically kid. That shit lasted for almost a month.
The jokes finally came to a permanent halt on the day that I was standing outside the band room rapping and decided to throw lyrical haymakers at every person around that I could remember laughing at me. From that day on I was no longer known as "the short kid who was drawing Snoop Doggy Dogg in class" and became known as "Kevi-Kev" the rapper. (give me a break it was 6th fucking grade...Sonny Vega has a better ring to it, doesn't it?)
That experience gave me so much confidence to be comfortable as a kid from Boston growing up in Alabama and as an aspiring hip-hop artist.
I'd like to thank that slore in training for going through my personal belongings like a TSA agent, the teacher who looked into my most private locker of my soul and using it as a stage to make a point, and I'd like to thank all of the little people who laughed at me back then because without your laughter I would not have the fury that helps me write my ass off and make dope music.
P.S. thanks FIRE & ICE for telling me to write my most embarrassing moment!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The worst part of this infection is that it is conquering the Boston nightlife. Don't get me wrong but, Boston has never been very original anyway. For instance, the DC area has go go music and Miami has booty bass music. But those cities still show diversity when it comes to the nightlife scene. The most painful part of this epidemic is that the Boston weekend is turning into either Jersey Shore Dance Sessions or corny college kids bouncing around with no self identity.
What happened to DJs playing an occasional dance hall set or hip hop set that consisted of more than just some Jay-Z songs. Nowadays you're lucky to even get a dancehall song in the mix...and don't even think about hip hop tracks (well other than the usual old school joints. and we all know them when we here them). Is it too much to ask for things to shake up a little bit? Not so much as a 4.0 on the Richter scale but can a brother get at least a good jiggle (u know? like when your washing machine has a bad leg and shakes when its on the spin cycle...yeah that kind of shake).
Obviously men are going to do what women influence them to do because a man's ultimate goal is to conquer as much vaginal territory as possible (or so I have heard). So does this mean that women are to blame for this recent plague that has taken my city by storm? After all, how many guys do you know that say "I love Jersey Shore" or "I want to marry Snookie"
**I hope I spelled her name correctly.
Women have apparently fallen into this "I want to be the girl on tv" stage. Which bothers me much because I thought that ended around the Kelly Kapowski era (or whatever adolescent children watched on tv). But now women really want to be Paris Hilton, Nicki Minaj, Kim Kardashian, or some female like that. In case none of you realized this, 2 of those women have sex tapes and the other one has a surgically implanted ass (or injected ass). Now, I don't know those women personally but if women want to be the girls who make sex tapes, how come I haven't made one yet?
**Just a thought
Society as a whole has thrown me for a loop on this one. Are we in the zone of "everything must be like what we see on tv"? Is the the era of "I want to have a relationship as seen on For the Love of Ray J or New York or whoever". Is this the dawn of "MTV & VH1 rule the USA"...........................
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Sonny the rapist???
Someone addressed me tonight about something that I posted a while back (The trial of women vs. Sonny). She said that I manipulate women into having sex with me. She made it seem as if I coerced them into opening their legs and letting me inside of them.
For the record; I have a mother who has been raped more than once and I would never do anything that would make a woman feel uncomfortable. Especially to the point of her saying "No! Get off of me! Stop!" So saying that I manipulate women into sleeping with me is bullshit. Any chick who feels that I "gassed" her into fucking me is an asshole or an idiot (and yes I will take credit for fucking some idiots because I ain't gonna front for NOBODY)
Furthermore (you know who), before you tell me to take responsibility for my actions, i think you should take heed to your own advice. #ImJustSayin <----twitter moment I mean, you accused me of convincing you to take your pants off of your body, staying in the bed while you sent me to your car for a condom, come back into the bed and then having sex, up until the point you chose to say no. WTF ? I know the law kind of well, seeing how I had a white girl falsely accuse me before, so I know when I did something wrong and when YOU did something wrong. But, maybe it's not a matter of legal right but morale right. Okay, let's explore that... Her morale says that because she didn't feel as special as she wanted to, she can blame me for the reason she has spread her legs. Are you kidding me? I never blamed a female for anything that has ever happened in sex. Even the ones who they talked bad about me after......
....(for the men if you think that a female has never talked bad about you, you are an idiot. Because a woman who is hurt will say whatever she wants about your sex game with no regard for truth. Trust me I learned this the hard way...ask my brother Marvel)
Now, I really think that it is suicide to speak on my problem with that female in public but, 1. I don't give a fuck and 2. I know how to piss people off too. Let's face it toots, you have a knack for going too far with your mouth and so here is my retaliation. I am not a guy who takes women for granted, nor do I bad mouth them. I respect every single solitary female I have ever been intimate with #TrueStory.
So trying to say that I am a guy who will fuck with a woman's mind to get in her panties is like calling me 1 step short of a rapist. And, calling me a rapist is like the worst thing that you could possibly do, moron.
To clear up the situation, she felt as though anyone who agrees with me on the position of "if a woman has sex with a man, then it is her responsibility and ownership...not his" is an ass hole (me) or an ugly female who doesn't get offered sex by other men (sorry D. Blaiq and Nose's Girl but she is speaking of the two of you just to name a few.) Now, this "child of God" spoke ill about the appearance of some women that she has never met. Yet, here I am thinking that I was a jerk for talking shit about other humans...well, at least I talk shit about people that I know (sorry I had to add some humor into this)
So, what should I do. Keep my distance from this firecracker of an imbecile friend, who I value very much in my life, or tell her to "eat a dick" for jumping the gun and painting a picture that makes me look like the Manson Family Rapist.
Hmm.... Here is the hard part about love. Because no matter how much you love someone, they actually will go out of there way to harm you...if it's in their nature (which is as NATURAL as peeing in the morning to her.) I say fuck it. Tell her that I said "her guilty conscious of her "active past" has her lashing out at me for my "active present" .... that is all for now. " This was more fun that I anticipated.
2 fingers
Mercedes Benz G Wagon vs. The Smart Car


"Can-Can" this one is for you, luv!
Yesterday my friend "Fire&Ice" and I had a serious conversation about her being courted by her best friend. I know that most people strongly disagree with friends getting involved, and at times I tend to follow suit on that one. But this guy that is interested in Fire&Ice is a very respectable prospect and is unanimously a "hands down-can't pass up-girls go gaga for" catch. Now, Fire&Ice is an awesome woman (obviously because she is my friend) who can pretty much have any guy she wants (except for me, duh). So her having a 5 star guy wanting to become intimate with her is no surprise.
Here's where things get tricky. Fire&Ice and "The Guy" have been been BEST friends for more than 10 years. I mean, he is even the Godfather to her kids. They compliment each other very well and seem to get along better than Tony and Sam from "Who's The Boss." The problem is that The Guy's timing is off. Way off. Waaaaay Off....because Fire&Ice is in a serious committed relationship with a dude that I guess I approve of because she likes him.... .... .... I guess. Anyway, the more complicated part of the situation is that The Guy is currently overseas working and he probably won't be back in the U.S. for at least another 18 months. So the only thing that Fire&Ice and The Guy can really talk about is the dreaded "What if....?" conversation...
**You guys know the "What if" conversation, right? The conversation that is completely hypothetical because the realization of the "What if" possibility is nowhere near close to happening. Yeah. That "What if" conversation.
Here's the kicker. The Guy is completely pouring his heart out to Fire&Ice with the hopes that it will get her to break away from her current man and commit to him for the future. Dummie!...the douche bag has no idea that he has NO CHANCE at getting Fire&Ice to leave her man for him.
--Time Out-- We will return to this situation in a second.
Poll Question for those who are 21+ (sorry kids, you all aren't mentally mature to take part in this survey)
How important is sex in a a woman?
a.) 25%
b.) 50%
c.) 75%
d.) 100%
e.) 0%
Now if any of you men answered E. you should probably commit suicide by bursting a blood vessel in your brain from excessive masturbation. I only say this because you have no clue about women #ImJustSayin <----Twitter moment.
Aren't my blogs funny?
--back to our original story--
There are some very good reasons as to why Fire&Ice will not start a relationship with The Guy
1. She has a man and is not going to jeopardize her character by breaking her commitment to him.
2. The Guy won't even be around in the North American continent until T.I. is incarcerated again (I mean doesn't he go to jail like every 2 years? #ImJustSayin <----Twitter moment again)
3. They are best friends. The next time you see your best friend, picture yourself being married to them....F O R E V E R...God no!
But, the most important reason goes back to our Poll Question. Sex is very important to a woman when it comes to her relationship. I may not have an exact percentage on it but I am certain that is at least 65% important. And with Fire&Ice sex is, with my most educated guess, 72% important (though she probably won't agree with that number).
So why is this a reason that she will not get with The Guy you ask?
Here Fire&Ice's quote on that subject..."It's is The Guy's doesn't do the job that I need it to do." To be more specific, she said that on the subject of a cock measuring contest of between Her Man vs. The Guy...
"it's like comparing a MERCEDES BENZ G WAGON to a SMART CAR"
#HIGHLANDER #HIGHLANDER #HIGHLANDER #EPICFAIL <-----Twitter moment again ** follow me
That was the worst dick reference I have ever heard I woman say about a man and the fact that she said that about her BEST FRIEND probably makes it even more horrible.
But, I don't blame her and here is why....
Final Poll Question to all women (even the under 21 year olds can answer this one)
If you had a dick choice between one of the following car makers, which would you choose?
a.) Toyota
b.) Honda
c.) Kia
d.) Ford
e.) Mercedes
Now ladies, if you answered E., then that means sex is very important to your relationship. In fact it is probably at least 72% important, which is the same as my friend Fire&Ice.
aren't my blogs funny?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Trial of Women Vs. Sonny
Woman 1 stated that I used her only for sex, and that she is not interested in doing that anymore. I respected her decision to not sleep with me again seeing how we were not going to be much more than two promiscuous beings. So...adios. But what bothered me is that she made it seem as if I forced her hand and made her have sex with me, or I twisted her judgment and played a Master Yoda mind trick on her and convinced her to sleep with me. No. She made a conscious decision to do what she did. Even when she arrived at my place she had a choice: Sleep with me or not sleep with me. It's not as if I was going to throw her out on her ass if she chose not to.
**Side Note** I'm not as big of an ass hole as people make me out to be. Well, at least not to someone I care about. And contrary to what they believe, every female that I have ever slept with has always received a certain amount of respect. I mean after all ladies, you did give up your womanhood to me...if only for one night (Luther Vandross tone).
Back to Woman 1
Since Woman 1 explained her emotional hang up with me via text message on her Blackberry or Iphone (which I swear that technology has made women even more stupid and cowardly), I decided to completely tell her about her self in written form as well. Long story short...I let her know that she is more responsible for having sex with me than I am. Sorry ladies but if you have not been raped, you are completely responsible. I am a firm believer that no means no and if this girl would have ever used the word NO, I would not be blogging about her now.
Verdict on Woman 1..........Sonny did not use her. She just didn't like the situation staying the way that it was and she was too much of a p***y to ask for a change. Sorry
Now Woman 2 is a little more complicated so I will shorten it.
She believed that if she gave a certain amount of effort and attention to me that I would completely drop everything that I knew and choose her to be my future wife and follow her across the globe as she traveled for her job. Blah Blah Blah! Unfortunately she never voiced this belief to me. So, when she carried out her assault on: "Target Sonny", the ball was forced into my court to make a decision of eventually marrying her. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?!?!? My immediate answer to her (though I actually did want to postpone and give it some thought) was a Martha Stewart, Mr. Rogers, PBS boring and simple...NO.
So in a fit of disappointment, she decides to call me a shit load of undeserving names and say that I lied to her and used her for her time. Mind you, I didn't know this "Target Sonny" mission was a do NOW or die black op.
My defense: I invested the same amount of time and money as you did. The only difference is that I can live with that and not feel used. So how come this doesn't work vice versa???
Verdict on Woman 2...........Sonny did not use her. In fact, Sonny was used as her own personal "capture the flag" winning icon.
So I am officially back in the game and to celebrate I think I am going to hit the Liberty Hotel tonight and enjoy some good music, good drinks, and good looking women (even though they don't like Real N****z {shout out to Eazy}).
Monday, July 26, 2010
Getting Out Of The Game
I spent about two weeks of trying to bring the old feeling back of being a bachelor. In that time i found that the "old game" doesn't exist, and women are extremely different in 2010 in comparison to how they were 3-5 years ago. WHAT HAPPENED??? the question that I asked a couple of my close knit friends. The answers that I received in response to that question were absolutely ridiculous, astonishing, demoralizing, awakening, but all true.
The game has completely shifted from "good girls want a bad guy" to "all girls want a fly guy." Forgive me for my harsh generalization of what woman want but, after recent experiences going back as far as 1 year ago, I have come to the realization that the woman who still want a "bad boy" are either non existent or on their way to converting into the type of girl who wants a "fly guy"......
oh! sorry. Definition of "Fly Guy": the lame male who does exactly what he sees on MTV or in magazines. He may wear pants that are tighter than the girl he is possibly going to sleep with. He also has no type of personality (which kinda makes him smart because he doesn't mess up when girls offer him a night of completely promiscuous relations). If he is White American he will certainly have one of these 3 things: a musical instrument / a skateboard / random piercing and/or tattoo. If he is African American he will certainly have one of these 3 things: a beat making program / an excessive amount of Nike sneakers / a graphic tee with the picture of a social figure that he has no understanding of.
So with the scenery of women changing so much around me, I've decided that it is time for me to bow out the game gracefully. I had a great run and I wouldn't change anything about it. But i know when it is time to fold and collect my chips and leave the table. I salute you fly guys out there. I know you wont do me proud, but with the way that women are wont have to. I mean really, they just give the legs up for all of the wrong reasons.
Friday, July 23, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
"I Determine My Own Success"
"I determine my own success" is a phrase that I started using around the year 2005. I picked it up as a way to help me gain clarity on some of the goals that I set for myself. I realized (though it was the hard way) that by trying to live up to other human beings expectations and goals that I would not have any REAL expectations and goals for myself. Now, let me clear this up by adding that I am a realist who does not always aim for the moon. With that being said, I have learned how to really set myself up for success by aspiring for things that are obtainable by me. And, no one knows me better than I do.
I actually recorded a song called "My Fight Til' The Death", which will be on my group album "Friday Nite Fighters - Blood Bath At The Venue". In the song i explain that I have recognized some obstacles in my life and I have found a way to overcome them. But also, for the ones that I am yet to overcome, I am still a work in progress on conquering those task/goals. In the end no "everyday person" is as successful as they may like to be...but it's really up to them to determine what they deem to be success for them.