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Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
My Most Embarrassing Moment
A friend of mine told me that because I have been receiving some unfavorable reactions to some of my post that it is only fair to say something extremely bad about myself. I didn't think that it is fair for me to even the score with myself for other people who have misinterpreted my thoughts. But because some people that I actually do care about have been hurt, I have decided to tell the story of my most embarrassing moment.
For me to talk bad about myself isn't a problem at all because I am good at taking the same cruelty that I dish out (so to speak). The real problem is that.....I simply don't get embarrassed. I'm sure that some of you will read this and say that everyone gets embarrassed, but in all honesty I don't. So i have a slight dilemma here...Do I:
A.) disregard my agreement with my friend about telling my most embarrassing story
B.) struggle to find something that I have actually been embarrassed about. ................................................................................................................................
After taking some time I decided to dig deep and find a moment that had me feeling embarrassed. Now, I do have some things that I have done that I ain't proud of doing but I am not embarrassed for doing them. For instance, one night I got drunk, really drunk, like extremely drunk to the point where I didn't really remember my night before. Of course being the idiot that I am, I spent the night with a girl who in the morning told me the story of what happened the night before. Long story short (because this is not my most embarrassing moment) we had sex that night and she explained that I put on a monologue performance that could have gotten me cast as the star who replaces Denzel in Malcom X pt. 2. When she told me that I was verbal with her in bed, and with the anti-Rico Suave sex lecture she claims that I was telling her, I was disgusted with myself but not embarrassed. I wasn't embarrassed because apparently she didn't care about my "love speech" but more about my ability to stroke while inebriated.
So, clearly I have some moments that aren't very shiny but I don't find much to be embarrassing. So I took some more time and came up with this..............................
My most embarrassing moment is actually what gave me the confidence to be a hip-hop artist who is not afraid of putting his talent on display. The moment goes as follows:
6th grade math class in Birmingham, Al at Bush Middle School (go Bulldogs!) around 1:30 p.m. I was sitting in class talking way too mannish to this beautiful girl who I had a Texas sized crush on. The girl got upset with something that I said to her which referenced the size of her booty --
**See my mouth has always gotten me into trouble...and I have always been an "ass man" (pause)
So she caused this big scene in the middle of the classroom and told the teacher what I said. In reaction, the students in the class, who were taking an important test, laughed their asses off (guys laughed because they enjoyed a good "ass" joke, and girls laughed because they were glad that it wasn't directed towards them). The teacher even got a little kick out of it at first but then ordered me like a drill sergeant to go stand in the corner. Five minutes later I hear the teacher tell the girl to bring her my test off of my desk and then came "the moment".
The mischievous little future slore {slut & whore} (trust me on this one, the future is now present day and she is indeed a Slore) went through the notebook that I had on my desk and flipped through some of the pages and found an illustration that I drew. The piece was a representation of myself completely. It was artistic and entertaining for the youth and adults. It was my attempt at being an A&R for Snoop Doggy Dogg. To be more specific, it was an album cover (for an album that I completely fabricated and manifested in my own head) for Snoop. I guess the girl was a Snoop Dogg fan and never heard of the album that I created for him. So she made it hear hip-hop civic duty to announce it to the class and show it to the teacher.
**If you have never seen the movie Superbad, there is a scene in the film where this girl knocks over a fat kids lunch box and a shit load of penis illustrations start pouring out onto the floor. Well my embarrassment level was right around the area of the fat kids. #ImJustSayin**

The teacher decided to retaliate for my ass joke on the girl and make rap jokes about me. She asked if I wanted to be Snoop Dogg, if I was going to grow up to be a rap star who didn't know how to do fractions, if I...well you guys get the picture. Nearly every student in the school turned me into the point and giggle or the wait until he passes and laugh hysterically kid. That shit lasted for almost a month.
The jokes finally came to a permanent halt on the day that I was standing outside the band room rapping and decided to throw lyrical haymakers at every person around that I could remember laughing at me. From that day on I was no longer known as "the short kid who was drawing Snoop Doggy Dogg in class" and became known as "Kevi-Kev" the rapper. (give me a break it was 6th fucking grade...Sonny Vega has a better ring to it, doesn't it?)
That experience gave me so much confidence to be comfortable as a kid from Boston growing up in Alabama and as an aspiring hip-hop artist.
I'd like to thank that slore in training for going through my personal belongings like a TSA agent, the teacher who looked into my most private locker of my soul and using it as a stage to make a point, and I'd like to thank all of the little people who laughed at me back then because without your laughter I would not have the fury that helps me write my ass off and make dope music.
P.S. thanks FIRE & ICE for telling me to write my most embarrassing moment!
For me to talk bad about myself isn't a problem at all because I am good at taking the same cruelty that I dish out (so to speak). The real problem is that.....I simply don't get embarrassed. I'm sure that some of you will read this and say that everyone gets embarrassed, but in all honesty I don't. So i have a slight dilemma here...Do I:
A.) disregard my agreement with my friend about telling my most embarrassing story
B.) struggle to find something that I have actually been embarrassed about. ................................................................................................................................
After taking some time I decided to dig deep and find a moment that had me feeling embarrassed. Now, I do have some things that I have done that I ain't proud of doing but I am not embarrassed for doing them. For instance, one night I got drunk, really drunk, like extremely drunk to the point where I didn't really remember my night before. Of course being the idiot that I am, I spent the night with a girl who in the morning told me the story of what happened the night before. Long story short (because this is not my most embarrassing moment) we had sex that night and she explained that I put on a monologue performance that could have gotten me cast as the star who replaces Denzel in Malcom X pt. 2. When she told me that I was verbal with her in bed, and with the anti-Rico Suave sex lecture she claims that I was telling her, I was disgusted with myself but not embarrassed. I wasn't embarrassed because apparently she didn't care about my "love speech" but more about my ability to stroke while inebriated.
So, clearly I have some moments that aren't very shiny but I don't find much to be embarrassing. So I took some more time and came up with this..............................
My most embarrassing moment is actually what gave me the confidence to be a hip-hop artist who is not afraid of putting his talent on display. The moment goes as follows:
6th grade math class in Birmingham, Al at Bush Middle School (go Bulldogs!) around 1:30 p.m. I was sitting in class talking way too mannish to this beautiful girl who I had a Texas sized crush on. The girl got upset with something that I said to her which referenced the size of her booty --
**See my mouth has always gotten me into trouble...and I have always been an "ass man" (pause)
So she caused this big scene in the middle of the classroom and told the teacher what I said. In reaction, the students in the class, who were taking an important test, laughed their asses off (guys laughed because they enjoyed a good "ass" joke, and girls laughed because they were glad that it wasn't directed towards them). The teacher even got a little kick out of it at first but then ordered me like a drill sergeant to go stand in the corner. Five minutes later I hear the teacher tell the girl to bring her my test off of my desk and then came "the moment".
The mischievous little future slore {slut & whore} (trust me on this one, the future is now present day and she is indeed a Slore) went through the notebook that I had on my desk and flipped through some of the pages and found an illustration that I drew. The piece was a representation of myself completely. It was artistic and entertaining for the youth and adults. It was my attempt at being an A&R for Snoop Doggy Dogg. To be more specific, it was an album cover (for an album that I completely fabricated and manifested in my own head) for Snoop. I guess the girl was a Snoop Dogg fan and never heard of the album that I created for him. So she made it hear hip-hop civic duty to announce it to the class and show it to the teacher.
**If you have never seen the movie Superbad, there is a scene in the film where this girl knocks over a fat kids lunch box and a shit load of penis illustrations start pouring out onto the floor. Well my embarrassment level was right around the area of the fat kids. #ImJustSayin**

The teacher decided to retaliate for my ass joke on the girl and make rap jokes about me. She asked if I wanted to be Snoop Dogg, if I was going to grow up to be a rap star who didn't know how to do fractions, if I...well you guys get the picture. Nearly every student in the school turned me into the point and giggle or the wait until he passes and laugh hysterically kid. That shit lasted for almost a month.
The jokes finally came to a permanent halt on the day that I was standing outside the band room rapping and decided to throw lyrical haymakers at every person around that I could remember laughing at me. From that day on I was no longer known as "the short kid who was drawing Snoop Doggy Dogg in class" and became known as "Kevi-Kev" the rapper. (give me a break it was 6th fucking grade...Sonny Vega has a better ring to it, doesn't it?)
That experience gave me so much confidence to be comfortable as a kid from Boston growing up in Alabama and as an aspiring hip-hop artist.
I'd like to thank that slore in training for going through my personal belongings like a TSA agent, the teacher who looked into my most private locker of my soul and using it as a stage to make a point, and I'd like to thank all of the little people who laughed at me back then because without your laughter I would not have the fury that helps me write my ass off and make dope music.
P.S. thanks FIRE & ICE for telling me to write my most embarrassing moment!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
I don't knock people for what they enjoy. So if you're one of those people that say "Jersey Shore is my favorite show on tv"...its cool for you, but just not for me. The only problem that I have with the show is that the shows appearance and culture has seemed to have infected my hometown. Now, Boston is a fairly diverse city, or at least it was until it became super duper over saturated with the dance music, muscle bound douche bags, and bushi broad types that can be found on the MTV show Jersey Shore.
The worst part of this infection is that it is conquering the Boston nightlife. Don't get me wrong but, Boston has never been very original anyway. For instance, the DC area has go go music and Miami has booty bass music. But those cities still show diversity when it comes to the nightlife scene. The most painful part of this epidemic is that the Boston weekend is turning into either Jersey Shore Dance Sessions or corny college kids bouncing around with no self identity.
What happened to DJs playing an occasional dance hall set or hip hop set that consisted of more than just some Jay-Z songs. Nowadays you're lucky to even get a dancehall song in the mix...and don't even think about hip hop tracks (well other than the usual old school joints. and we all know them when we here them). Is it too much to ask for things to shake up a little bit? Not so much as a 4.0 on the Richter scale but can a brother get at least a good jiggle (u know? like when your washing machine has a bad leg and shakes when its on the spin cycle...yeah that kind of shake).
Obviously men are going to do what women influence them to do because a man's ultimate goal is to conquer as much vaginal territory as possible (or so I have heard). So does this mean that women are to blame for this recent plague that has taken my city by storm? After all, how many guys do you know that say "I love Jersey Shore" or "I want to marry Snookie"
**I hope I spelled her name correctly.
Women have apparently fallen into this "I want to be the girl on tv" stage. Which bothers me much because I thought that ended around the Kelly Kapowski era (or whatever adolescent children watched on tv). But now women really want to be Paris Hilton, Nicki Minaj, Kim Kardashian, or some female like that. In case none of you realized this, 2 of those women have sex tapes and the other one has a surgically implanted ass (or injected ass). Now, I don't know those women personally but if women want to be the girls who make sex tapes, how come I haven't made one yet?
**Just a thought
Society as a whole has thrown me for a loop on this one. Are we in the zone of "everything must be like what we see on tv"? Is the the era of "I want to have a relationship as seen on For the Love of Ray J or New York or whoever". Is this the dawn of "MTV & VH1 rule the USA"...........................
The worst part of this infection is that it is conquering the Boston nightlife. Don't get me wrong but, Boston has never been very original anyway. For instance, the DC area has go go music and Miami has booty bass music. But those cities still show diversity when it comes to the nightlife scene. The most painful part of this epidemic is that the Boston weekend is turning into either Jersey Shore Dance Sessions or corny college kids bouncing around with no self identity.
What happened to DJs playing an occasional dance hall set or hip hop set that consisted of more than just some Jay-Z songs. Nowadays you're lucky to even get a dancehall song in the mix...and don't even think about hip hop tracks (well other than the usual old school joints. and we all know them when we here them). Is it too much to ask for things to shake up a little bit? Not so much as a 4.0 on the Richter scale but can a brother get at least a good jiggle (u know? like when your washing machine has a bad leg and shakes when its on the spin cycle...yeah that kind of shake).
Obviously men are going to do what women influence them to do because a man's ultimate goal is to conquer as much vaginal territory as possible (or so I have heard). So does this mean that women are to blame for this recent plague that has taken my city by storm? After all, how many guys do you know that say "I love Jersey Shore" or "I want to marry Snookie"
**I hope I spelled her name correctly.
Women have apparently fallen into this "I want to be the girl on tv" stage. Which bothers me much because I thought that ended around the Kelly Kapowski era (or whatever adolescent children watched on tv). But now women really want to be Paris Hilton, Nicki Minaj, Kim Kardashian, or some female like that. In case none of you realized this, 2 of those women have sex tapes and the other one has a surgically implanted ass (or injected ass). Now, I don't know those women personally but if women want to be the girls who make sex tapes, how come I haven't made one yet?
**Just a thought
Society as a whole has thrown me for a loop on this one. Are we in the zone of "everything must be like what we see on tv"? Is the the era of "I want to have a relationship as seen on For the Love of Ray J or New York or whoever". Is this the dawn of "MTV & VH1 rule the USA"...........................
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Sonny the rapist???
Here is my no holds barred, knock out, fuck your feelings post.
Someone addressed me tonight about something that I posted a while back (The trial of women vs. Sonny). She said that I manipulate women into having sex with me. She made it seem as if I coerced them into opening their legs and letting me inside of them.
For the record; I have a mother who has been raped more than once and I would never do anything that would make a woman feel uncomfortable. Especially to the point of her saying "No! Get off of me! Stop!" So saying that I manipulate women into sleeping with me is bullshit. Any chick who feels that I "gassed" her into fucking me is an asshole or an idiot (and yes I will take credit for fucking some idiots because I ain't gonna front for NOBODY)
Furthermore (you know who), before you tell me to take responsibility for my actions, i think you should take heed to your own advice. #ImJustSayin <----twitter moment I mean, you accused me of convincing you to take your pants off of your body, staying in the bed while you sent me to your car for a condom, come back into the bed and then having sex, up until the point you chose to say no. WTF ? I know the law kind of well, seeing how I had a white girl falsely accuse me before, so I know when I did something wrong and when YOU did something wrong. But, maybe it's not a matter of legal right but morale right. Okay, let's explore that... Her morale says that because she didn't feel as special as she wanted to, she can blame me for the reason she has spread her legs. Are you kidding me? I never blamed a female for anything that has ever happened in sex. Even the ones who they talked bad about me after......
....(for the men if you think that a female has never talked bad about you, you are an idiot. Because a woman who is hurt will say whatever she wants about your sex game with no regard for truth. Trust me I learned this the hard way...ask my brother Marvel)
Now, I really think that it is suicide to speak on my problem with that female in public but, 1. I don't give a fuck and 2. I know how to piss people off too. Let's face it toots, you have a knack for going too far with your mouth and so here is my retaliation. I am not a guy who takes women for granted, nor do I bad mouth them. I respect every single solitary female I have ever been intimate with #TrueStory.
So trying to say that I am a guy who will fuck with a woman's mind to get in her panties is like calling me 1 step short of a rapist. And, calling me a rapist is like the worst thing that you could possibly do, moron.
To clear up the situation, she felt as though anyone who agrees with me on the position of "if a woman has sex with a man, then it is her responsibility and ownership...not his" is an ass hole (me) or an ugly female who doesn't get offered sex by other men (sorry D. Blaiq and Nose's Girl but she is speaking of the two of you just to name a few.) Now, this "child of God" spoke ill about the appearance of some women that she has never met. Yet, here I am thinking that I was a jerk for talking shit about other humans...well, at least I talk shit about people that I know (sorry I had to add some humor into this)
So, what should I do. Keep my distance from this firecracker of an imbecile friend, who I value very much in my life, or tell her to "eat a dick" for jumping the gun and painting a picture that makes me look like the Manson Family Rapist.
Hmm.... Here is the hard part about love. Because no matter how much you love someone, they actually will go out of there way to harm you...if it's in their nature (which is as NATURAL as peeing in the morning to her.) I say fuck it. Tell her that I said "her guilty conscious of her "active past" has her lashing out at me for my "active present" .... that is all for now. " This was more fun that I anticipated.
2 fingers
Someone addressed me tonight about something that I posted a while back (The trial of women vs. Sonny). She said that I manipulate women into having sex with me. She made it seem as if I coerced them into opening their legs and letting me inside of them.
For the record; I have a mother who has been raped more than once and I would never do anything that would make a woman feel uncomfortable. Especially to the point of her saying "No! Get off of me! Stop!" So saying that I manipulate women into sleeping with me is bullshit. Any chick who feels that I "gassed" her into fucking me is an asshole or an idiot (and yes I will take credit for fucking some idiots because I ain't gonna front for NOBODY)
Furthermore (you know who), before you tell me to take responsibility for my actions, i think you should take heed to your own advice. #ImJustSayin <----twitter moment I mean, you accused me of convincing you to take your pants off of your body, staying in the bed while you sent me to your car for a condom, come back into the bed and then having sex, up until the point you chose to say no. WTF ? I know the law kind of well, seeing how I had a white girl falsely accuse me before, so I know when I did something wrong and when YOU did something wrong. But, maybe it's not a matter of legal right but morale right. Okay, let's explore that... Her morale says that because she didn't feel as special as she wanted to, she can blame me for the reason she has spread her legs. Are you kidding me? I never blamed a female for anything that has ever happened in sex. Even the ones who they talked bad about me after......
....(for the men if you think that a female has never talked bad about you, you are an idiot. Because a woman who is hurt will say whatever she wants about your sex game with no regard for truth. Trust me I learned this the hard way...ask my brother Marvel)
Now, I really think that it is suicide to speak on my problem with that female in public but, 1. I don't give a fuck and 2. I know how to piss people off too. Let's face it toots, you have a knack for going too far with your mouth and so here is my retaliation. I am not a guy who takes women for granted, nor do I bad mouth them. I respect every single solitary female I have ever been intimate with #TrueStory.
So trying to say that I am a guy who will fuck with a woman's mind to get in her panties is like calling me 1 step short of a rapist. And, calling me a rapist is like the worst thing that you could possibly do, moron.
To clear up the situation, she felt as though anyone who agrees with me on the position of "if a woman has sex with a man, then it is her responsibility and ownership...not his" is an ass hole (me) or an ugly female who doesn't get offered sex by other men (sorry D. Blaiq and Nose's Girl but she is speaking of the two of you just to name a few.) Now, this "child of God" spoke ill about the appearance of some women that she has never met. Yet, here I am thinking that I was a jerk for talking shit about other humans...well, at least I talk shit about people that I know (sorry I had to add some humor into this)
So, what should I do. Keep my distance from this firecracker of an imbecile friend, who I value very much in my life, or tell her to "eat a dick" for jumping the gun and painting a picture that makes me look like the Manson Family Rapist.
Hmm.... Here is the hard part about love. Because no matter how much you love someone, they actually will go out of there way to harm you...if it's in their nature (which is as NATURAL as peeing in the morning to her.) I say fuck it. Tell her that I said "her guilty conscious of her "active past" has her lashing out at me for my "active present" .... that is all for now. " This was more fun that I anticipated.
2 fingers
Mercedes Benz G Wagon vs. The Smart Car


"Can-Can" this one is for you, luv!
Yesterday my friend "Fire&Ice" and I had a serious conversation about her being courted by her best friend. I know that most people strongly disagree with friends getting involved, and at times I tend to follow suit on that one. But this guy that is interested in Fire&Ice is a very respectable prospect and is unanimously a "hands down-can't pass up-girls go gaga for" catch. Now, Fire&Ice is an awesome woman (obviously because she is my friend) who can pretty much have any guy she wants (except for me, duh). So her having a 5 star guy wanting to become intimate with her is no surprise.
Here's where things get tricky. Fire&Ice and "The Guy" have been been BEST friends for more than 10 years. I mean, he is even the Godfather to her kids. They compliment each other very well and seem to get along better than Tony and Sam from "Who's The Boss." The problem is that The Guy's timing is off. Way off. Waaaaay Off....because Fire&Ice is in a serious committed relationship with a dude that I guess I approve of because she likes him.... .... .... I guess. Anyway, the more complicated part of the situation is that The Guy is currently overseas working and he probably won't be back in the U.S. for at least another 18 months. So the only thing that Fire&Ice and The Guy can really talk about is the dreaded "What if....?" conversation...
**You guys know the "What if" conversation, right? The conversation that is completely hypothetical because the realization of the "What if" possibility is nowhere near close to happening. Yeah. That "What if" conversation.
Here's the kicker. The Guy is completely pouring his heart out to Fire&Ice with the hopes that it will get her to break away from her current man and commit to him for the future. Dummie!...the douche bag has no idea that he has NO CHANCE at getting Fire&Ice to leave her man for him.
--Time Out-- We will return to this situation in a second.
Poll Question for those who are 21+ (sorry kids, you all aren't mentally mature to take part in this survey)
How important is sex in a relationship......................to a woman?
a.) 25%
b.) 50%
c.) 75%
d.) 100%
e.) 0%
Now if any of you men answered E. you should probably commit suicide by bursting a blood vessel in your brain from excessive masturbation. I only say this because you have no clue about women #ImJustSayin <----Twitter moment.
Aren't my blogs funny?
--back to our original story--
There are some very good reasons as to why Fire&Ice will not start a relationship with The Guy
1. She has a man and is not going to jeopardize her character by breaking her commitment to him.
2. The Guy won't even be around in the North American continent until T.I. is incarcerated again (I mean doesn't he go to jail like every 2 years? #ImJustSayin <----Twitter moment again)
3. They are best friends. The next time you see your best friend, picture yourself being married to them....F O R E V E R...God no!
But, the most important reason goes back to our Poll Question. Sex is very important to a woman when it comes to her relationship. I may not have an exact percentage on it but I am certain that is at least 65% important. And with Fire&Ice sex is, with my most educated guess, 72% important (though she probably won't agree with that number).
So why is this a reason that she will not get with The Guy you ask?
Here Fire&Ice's quote on that subject..."It's is The Guy's equipment...it doesn't do the job that I need it to do." To be more specific, she said that on the subject of a cock measuring contest of between Her Man vs. The Guy...
"it's like comparing a MERCEDES BENZ G WAGON to a SMART CAR"
#HIGHLANDER #HIGHLANDER #HIGHLANDER #EPICFAIL <-----Twitter moment again ** follow me http://twitter.com/sonny_vega
That was the worst dick reference I have ever heard I woman say about a man and the fact that she said that about her BEST FRIEND probably makes it even more horrible.
But, I don't blame her and here is why....
Final Poll Question to all women (even the under 21 year olds can answer this one)
If you had a dick choice between one of the following car makers, which would you choose?
a.) Toyota
b.) Honda
c.) Kia
d.) Ford
e.) Mercedes
Now ladies, if you answered E., then that means sex is very important to your relationship. In fact it is probably at least 72% important, which is the same as my friend Fire&Ice.
aren't my blogs funny?
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