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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Talk
Ladies and gentlemen of the internet I have decided to take some advice on what to write for this post. Which could possibly mean that I actually care about what other people think.
Naaaahhh, I just wanted to give my spectacular brain a rest and write something that someone else would find relevant besides myself. The fact that the idea for this blog came from the most awesome girl that I know just makes this post a wee bit more special. I kicked away some decent ideas before the light bulb of this interesting not-so-evil pandora's box of a topic was mentioned to me. Then I decided to write.
So what's the topic??? .......
"The Talk"
Now if your a 14-16 year old horny school boy or girl (1) you probably shouldn't be reading anything that I write and (2) you are sorely mistaken on what I mean when I say "The Talk."
The Talk is 3rd most dreaded conversation that a man could have. The number two frightening conversation that a guy can have involves a woman saying something along the lines of "I'm late by multiple months", or " I reenacted the scene from Juno where Ellen Page drank a gallon of Sunny Delight and peed on a stick to find out her ultimate fate". Oh, obviously the number one horrifying conversation that any man could have is the dialogue that involves a hot doctor like Katherine Heigl telling him that he has The Aids.
So, what is the The Talk?
Plain and simple The Talk is the conversation that a guy and a girl, who have been dating for sometime, have to determine what the hell it is that they are doing. It's the conversation that gives the involvement of the two beings a title. It's the talk that has the power to transform a female from being a "jump off/fuck buddy/booty call", or a hangout partner, or even a potential girlfriend candidate to an exclusive girlfriend. But for a guy it's power is used to castrate them from being a "player/pimp/womanizer", or a girls "best guy friend", or even a potential boyfriend candidate into an exclusive future hubby. These aren't all of the situations and variables that lead to the talk, but they are certainly a few combinations that most of us can relate to.
What I recently learned is that The Talk is nearly almost as terrifying to a woman as it is to a man. But of course the reasons are different.
For guys:
The Talk is seen as an end to a good thing. A good thing being, casual sex and random hook ups with a chick who will put up with us until she feels the need to screw it up by asking questions and catching feelings. The Talk for a guy is usually not even a conversation but a hostage negotiation where in order for a woman to release the the key to her panties (for unlocking), and the key to her mouth (for locking) we have to give her exclusivity and become her "Man." The Talk is what forces marriages and also divorces
*sorry, you can't have one with out the other.
For woman:
The Talk is the safest way to trap a man. It a woman's way of outsmarting a man in order to gain a companion. In all honesty the talk is usually the 1st method that women use to lock on to a man. Need I remind you that woman are sneaky and intelligent, which is the deadliest combination since hydrogen & helium isotopes (atoms for the atomic bomb), so a woman is more than capable of finding more catastrophic ways to make a man her personal possession.
Even though The Talk is usually the 1st method that women use, it isn't the most popular. Actually, it's a little thing that I like to call the "Trap-A-N***a-Baby"
***obviously we all aren't negroes so please substitute for your heritage***
The methods that woman use aren't important. The fact that there are some women who fear The Talk almost as much as men tells me women are equally as promiscuous as we are. The difference is woman are willing to strong arm men via sex deprivation and verbal strong-arming with statements such as "you won't get into these panties unless there is a commitment."
Overall The Talk is needed and actually productive, but sometimes hurtful and destructive. It is productive because it can provide two individuals who are ready to take the next step into a relationship with the nudge that they need. But The Talk can be destructive due to two a man and a woman being on separate pages. I mean if the man just wants a nice cozy hole to thrust in and the woman wants a pretty shiny ring to put on, then the end result from The Talk will be something like an episode of Maury (i mean really it doesn't matter if he is the father or not if you just spent the last 25 minutes on national television making an ass of yourself). It just ends bad period.
So what is the point....
The Talk should only be held by two people who are interested in getting to the same goal, whatever that may be. Whether it's an equal understanding of "just sex and dating" or "no sex and dating" or "all poker chips in, I'm willing to risk it all commitment"; The Talk should only be held when both people are in accordance of what they want from each other.
Naaaahhh, I just wanted to give my spectacular brain a rest and write something that someone else would find relevant besides myself. The fact that the idea for this blog came from the most awesome girl that I know just makes this post a wee bit more special. I kicked away some decent ideas before the light bulb of this interesting not-so-evil pandora's box of a topic was mentioned to me. Then I decided to write.
So what's the topic??? .......
"The Talk"
Now if your a 14-16 year old horny school boy or girl (1) you probably shouldn't be reading anything that I write and (2) you are sorely mistaken on what I mean when I say "The Talk."
The Talk is 3rd most dreaded conversation that a man could have. The number two frightening conversation that a guy can have involves a woman saying something along the lines of "I'm late by multiple months", or " I reenacted the scene from Juno where Ellen Page drank a gallon of Sunny Delight and peed on a stick to find out her ultimate fate". Oh, obviously the number one horrifying conversation that any man could have is the dialogue that involves a hot doctor like Katherine Heigl telling him that he has The Aids.
So, what is the The Talk?
Plain and simple The Talk is the conversation that a guy and a girl, who have been dating for sometime, have to determine what the hell it is that they are doing. It's the conversation that gives the involvement of the two beings a title. It's the talk that has the power to transform a female from being a "jump off/fuck buddy/booty call", or a hangout partner, or even a potential girlfriend candidate to an exclusive girlfriend. But for a guy it's power is used to castrate them from being a "player/pimp/womanizer", or a girls "best guy friend", or even a potential boyfriend candidate into an exclusive future hubby. These aren't all of the situations and variables that lead to the talk, but they are certainly a few combinations that most of us can relate to.
What I recently learned is that The Talk is nearly almost as terrifying to a woman as it is to a man. But of course the reasons are different.
For guys:
The Talk is seen as an end to a good thing. A good thing being, casual sex and random hook ups with a chick who will put up with us until she feels the need to screw it up by asking questions and catching feelings. The Talk for a guy is usually not even a conversation but a hostage negotiation where in order for a woman to release the the key to her panties (for unlocking), and the key to her mouth (for locking) we have to give her exclusivity and become her "Man." The Talk is what forces marriages and also divorces
*sorry, you can't have one with out the other.
For woman:
The Talk is the safest way to trap a man. It a woman's way of outsmarting a man in order to gain a companion. In all honesty the talk is usually the 1st method that women use to lock on to a man. Need I remind you that woman are sneaky and intelligent, which is the deadliest combination since hydrogen & helium isotopes (atoms for the atomic bomb), so a woman is more than capable of finding more catastrophic ways to make a man her personal possession.
Even though The Talk is usually the 1st method that women use, it isn't the most popular. Actually, it's a little thing that I like to call the "Trap-A-N***a-Baby"
***obviously we all aren't negroes so please substitute for your heritage***
The methods that woman use aren't important. The fact that there are some women who fear The Talk almost as much as men tells me women are equally as promiscuous as we are. The difference is woman are willing to strong arm men via sex deprivation and verbal strong-arming with statements such as "you won't get into these panties unless there is a commitment."
Overall The Talk is needed and actually productive, but sometimes hurtful and destructive. It is productive because it can provide two individuals who are ready to take the next step into a relationship with the nudge that they need. But The Talk can be destructive due to two a man and a woman being on separate pages. I mean if the man just wants a nice cozy hole to thrust in and the woman wants a pretty shiny ring to put on, then the end result from The Talk will be something like an episode of Maury (i mean really it doesn't matter if he is the father or not if you just spent the last 25 minutes on national television making an ass of yourself). It just ends bad period.
So what is the point....
The Talk should only be held by two people who are interested in getting to the same goal, whatever that may be. Whether it's an equal understanding of "just sex and dating" or "no sex and dating" or "all poker chips in, I'm willing to risk it all commitment"; The Talk should only be held when both people are in accordance of what they want from each other.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Practicing Patience and My Love Life History
I usually don't do things that don't make me happy. But for myself I am willing to sacrifice anything and everything, just as long as I believe that what I am doing will benefit me in the end.
Where is Sonny going with this?
Honestly, I'm not sure.
But what made me want to do this "patience" thing is the fact that I have never practiced this shit before, and when someone told me to take it as a challenge my internal response was(in my Mike Myers Wayne's World voice) ...Game On!
This post will be me airing out my love life in the hopes that while doing it, I can figure out what has gotten me to the point of wanting to practice the one thing that I don't like nor have...patience.
Love #1 was like a little sister to me. She and I had a mutual understanding that we would never get involved with each other. But one day she grew a set of balls and asked me to look at her in a way that I swore I would never do. She wanted me to view her as a woman with a vagina. Even though I was partially raised in Alabama, I don't do the incest thing like the old school rednecks. I mean Love #1 is not my real sister but, as a friend she was like one of my best buds in a skirt. In fact, at the time she was the only female friend that I had ever had in my life and not had some sexual contact with.
Seeing how she was my absolute best friend at the time, once she made the request for me to at least attempt to be interested in her, i payed her attention...........
Hey wait a minute. I'm starting to like what I see here. Excellent.
We get involved. And the next time we saw each other (though it was months later), both of us were ripping each others clothes off like a pack of negroes catching a Klansman alone in the 1930s.
Point: Lack of patience for sex.
Love #2 was different. She was someone. We were complete strangers who did things kind of normal. We met. We talked on the phone. We went on a 1st date. We hung out one more time. And then...we screwed. To me that wasn't much of a problem, seeing how here body could make Jim Levenstein cum faster than watching Nadia do a strip tease on a pole with Stifler's Mom slapping her on the ass and throwing Andrew Jackson bills at her rock kickers.
**If the only person that you know in that last sentence is Andrew Jackson...you are lame. Now go watch American Pie!**
Now due to certain "legal issues" I can't really speak on much more than this but, in all honesty I wish that I would've done more investigating on what was going on in her head as opposed to what was going on in her Victoria's Secrets. Sex was great but not worth the trouble.
Point: Lack of patience for sex.
See a pattern here?
Now to bringing myself up to speed with my current situation
So obviously this trip down memory lane was sparked by me being asked to be patient about sex. Which initially I wanted to walk away by saying "hey, we had a great time and all, but I like to lay in legs. So take care.". But, when the idea came up for me to take it as a challenge, I jumped on it.
Now here is the kicker.....
I didn't take the challenge because I am super competitive (even though I am). I took the challenge because I see this as an opportunity to gain something that I have never had by doing something that I have never done.
This story is going to piss some people off, make some people think that I have lost my mind, but above all it gave me insight to myself.
So patience it is for me. Let's just see if this "patience is a virtue" thing is a virtue worth having
Where is Sonny going with this?
Honestly, I'm not sure.
But what made me want to do this "patience" thing is the fact that I have never practiced this shit before, and when someone told me to take it as a challenge my internal response was(in my Mike Myers Wayne's World voice) ...Game On!
This post will be me airing out my love life in the hopes that while doing it, I can figure out what has gotten me to the point of wanting to practice the one thing that I don't like nor have...patience.
Love #1 was like a little sister to me. She and I had a mutual understanding that we would never get involved with each other. But one day she grew a set of balls and asked me to look at her in a way that I swore I would never do. She wanted me to view her as a woman with a vagina. Even though I was partially raised in Alabama, I don't do the incest thing like the old school rednecks. I mean Love #1 is not my real sister but, as a friend she was like one of my best buds in a skirt. In fact, at the time she was the only female friend that I had ever had in my life and not had some sexual contact with.
Seeing how she was my absolute best friend at the time, once she made the request for me to at least attempt to be interested in her, i payed her attention...........
Hey wait a minute. I'm starting to like what I see here. Excellent.
We get involved. And the next time we saw each other (though it was months later), both of us were ripping each others clothes off like a pack of negroes catching a Klansman alone in the 1930s.
Point: Lack of patience for sex.
Love #2 was different. She was someone. We were complete strangers who did things kind of normal. We met. We talked on the phone. We went on a 1st date. We hung out one more time. And then...we screwed. To me that wasn't much of a problem, seeing how here body could make Jim Levenstein cum faster than watching Nadia do a strip tease on a pole with Stifler's Mom slapping her on the ass and throwing Andrew Jackson bills at her rock kickers.
**If the only person that you know in that last sentence is Andrew Jackson...you are lame. Now go watch American Pie!**
Now due to certain "legal issues" I can't really speak on much more than this but, in all honesty I wish that I would've done more investigating on what was going on in her head as opposed to what was going on in her Victoria's Secrets. Sex was great but not worth the trouble.
Point: Lack of patience for sex.
See a pattern here?
Now to bringing myself up to speed with my current situation
So obviously this trip down memory lane was sparked by me being asked to be patient about sex. Which initially I wanted to walk away by saying "hey, we had a great time and all, but I like to lay in legs. So take care.". But, when the idea came up for me to take it as a challenge, I jumped on it.
Now here is the kicker.....
I didn't take the challenge because I am super competitive (even though I am). I took the challenge because I see this as an opportunity to gain something that I have never had by doing something that I have never done.
This story is going to piss some people off, make some people think that I have lost my mind, but above all it gave me insight to myself.
So patience it is for me. Let's just see if this "patience is a virtue" thing is a virtue worth having
Thursday, October 7, 2010
No One Woman Should Have All That Power
***Warning this may be my most vulgar post to date***
18+ Only!
Women have it. Men want it (according to men)
Men have it. Women want it (according to women)
Yet, neither gender really knows what to do with it. Men have had "power" since the beginning of time. Yet, men are responsible for war, slavery, the Reagan Administration, Bush reelection, and pretty much everything bad that you could possibly think of. As a man, I must say that I am reluctant to admit this fact but, I am a realist. Men are some dumb, dominant, arrogant, greedy creatures. With that being said, it shouldn't come as a surprise to women that we chase so much tail. explination:
Dumb -- We always get caught cheating.
Dominant -- We tell women what they are going to do and expect them to do it.
Arrogant -- We tell females that they belong to us.
Greedy -- We still pursue more women even after we have a good one by our sides.
Relax fellas, I haven't gone Richard Simmons or Mario Cantone over here.
Hi ladies, this is the part where we all come to terms with your lack of proper execution with the "power" you'll have always had.
Woman have battled with men for equality for a very long time now. Some of the more noted battles are the right to vote and have the opportunity to work in the same positions as men. But the funny thing is that since the beginning of time (no, literally the beginning of time; see Adam & Eve), women have always had power over men and they have been horrible when it comes to doing the right thing with the greatest power of all.
**** We all know what that power is..............
********That's right
Women have had the ability to make men do any and everything that they want but somehow find a way to not use that power properly (and by properly I mean use it for good for all mankind). Now, there are some women out there who say pussy isn't power. If you believe that ladies then you should stick a Black Cat M-80 firecracker up your twat, light it on fire, let it explode, and then hang a "INTENTIONALLY OUT OF SERVICE'' sign on your granny panties. The reason that I say you should do that is because men will do anything for some legs. Men with big dicks just go by the creed "when in doubt...pull out", which means we will pull our cocks out asking for sex (and sometimes succeed that way.) Guys with small dicks (who aren't athletes, rock stars, or entertainers) will by a Ferrari or Porsche and offer you a night at a five star hotel downtown in your city (........and sometimes succeed that way).
"Why am I handing out this information?" you ask. It's to give proof of some of the stupid stuff that men will do for sex. But the better question is why do men have to do this stupid shit for sex? Because women do not handle "the promise land" properly.
Women say that men are sex crazed dogs, and at times we are. But this is only because we are not offered enough sex, and that's because women have come up with this idiotic idea to attach their main artery to the Vi-Jay-Jay.
*Note to women: if God wanted to link your heart and your twat together...he would've built you that way*
Seriously, I truly understand why women link the two. Some women think that if they hold out on sex or even offer it to a guy, then they have non-verbally explained to the man that they are interested in more than just a physical relationship. Now, even though I understand this...it does NOT mean that I agree with this "Scientology Sex Belief". --meaning it is not real
I believe that if more women were able to view sex the way that we do (which is strictly an un-timed visit to an adult playground) then the power would be be equal. But what if women are in fear of being labeled a slut for enjoying sex with multiple partners?
*Way to go Sonny. You've manage to stump yourself in your own blog post*
...........Aha!! I got it!!
The answer to that question is: if all women were open to monogamy and treated their vagina less like a way to meet the Oracle in The Matrix, then no one would be a whore. EVER. Not even us guys.
But women don't want to relinquish their power over us. They like to be able to make a man do what they want, when they want, and how they want by threatening a man with sex or lack there of. Which is why I say that they use it improperly. Truthfully I think that any woman who uses sex as power over a man, must not be a woman of great character. What I mean by that is men don't give a shit about a woman saying "if you don't do this, then I am going to leave" but if a woman says "if you don't do this, then you wont get any sex for a month" men start to care a bit more.
So does that make it our fault as men for valuing sex so highly????
*See Sonny, you've stumped yourself again**
............Aha!! I got it, again!!
The answer to that question is: No. We have to value sex so highly in order to get it...because women value it so highly when it comes to giving us sex.
So what is the point of all of this...
If ladies loosened up the "pit bull holding onto a bone grip" that they have on their vaginas; then maybe, just maybe...men might not be such sex crazed dogs!
18+ Only!
Women have it. Men want it (according to men)
Men have it. Women want it (according to women)
Yet, neither gender really knows what to do with it. Men have had "power" since the beginning of time. Yet, men are responsible for war, slavery, the Reagan Administration, Bush reelection, and pretty much everything bad that you could possibly think of. As a man, I must say that I am reluctant to admit this fact but, I am a realist. Men are some dumb, dominant, arrogant, greedy creatures. With that being said, it shouldn't come as a surprise to women that we chase so much tail. explination:
Dumb -- We always get caught cheating.
Dominant -- We tell women what they are going to do and expect them to do it.
Arrogant -- We tell females that they belong to us.
Greedy -- We still pursue more women even after we have a good one by our sides.
Relax fellas, I haven't gone Richard Simmons or Mario Cantone over here.
Hi ladies, this is the part where we all come to terms with your lack of proper execution with the "power" you'll have always had.
Woman have battled with men for equality for a very long time now. Some of the more noted battles are the right to vote and have the opportunity to work in the same positions as men. But the funny thing is that since the beginning of time (no, literally the beginning of time; see Adam & Eve), women have always had power over men and they have been horrible when it comes to doing the right thing with the greatest power of all.
**** We all know what that power is..............
********That's right
Women have had the ability to make men do any and everything that they want but somehow find a way to not use that power properly (and by properly I mean use it for good for all mankind). Now, there are some women out there who say pussy isn't power. If you believe that ladies then you should stick a Black Cat M-80 firecracker up your twat, light it on fire, let it explode, and then hang a "INTENTIONALLY OUT OF SERVICE'' sign on your granny panties. The reason that I say you should do that is because men will do anything for some legs. Men with big dicks just go by the creed "when in doubt...pull out", which means we will pull our cocks out asking for sex (and sometimes succeed that way.) Guys with small dicks (who aren't athletes, rock stars, or entertainers) will by a Ferrari or Porsche and offer you a night at a five star hotel downtown in your city (........and sometimes succeed that way).
"Why am I handing out this information?" you ask. It's to give proof of some of the stupid stuff that men will do for sex. But the better question is why do men have to do this stupid shit for sex? Because women do not handle "the promise land" properly.
Women say that men are sex crazed dogs, and at times we are. But this is only because we are not offered enough sex, and that's because women have come up with this idiotic idea to attach their main artery to the Vi-Jay-Jay.
*Note to women: if God wanted to link your heart and your twat together...he would've built you that way*
Seriously, I truly understand why women link the two. Some women think that if they hold out on sex or even offer it to a guy, then they have non-verbally explained to the man that they are interested in more than just a physical relationship. Now, even though I understand this...it does NOT mean that I agree with this "Scientology Sex Belief". --meaning it is not real
I believe that if more women were able to view sex the way that we do (which is strictly an un-timed visit to an adult playground) then the power would be be equal. But what if women are in fear of being labeled a slut for enjoying sex with multiple partners?
*Way to go Sonny. You've manage to stump yourself in your own blog post*
...........Aha!! I got it!!
The answer to that question is: if all women were open to monogamy and treated their vagina less like a way to meet the Oracle in The Matrix, then no one would be a whore. EVER. Not even us guys.
But women don't want to relinquish their power over us. They like to be able to make a man do what they want, when they want, and how they want by threatening a man with sex or lack there of. Which is why I say that they use it improperly. Truthfully I think that any woman who uses sex as power over a man, must not be a woman of great character. What I mean by that is men don't give a shit about a woman saying "if you don't do this, then I am going to leave" but if a woman says "if you don't do this, then you wont get any sex for a month" men start to care a bit more.
So does that make it our fault as men for valuing sex so highly????
*See Sonny, you've stumped yourself again**
............Aha!! I got it, again!!
The answer to that question is: No. We have to value sex so highly in order to get it...because women value it so highly when it comes to giving us sex.
So what is the point of all of this...
If ladies loosened up the "pit bull holding onto a bone grip" that they have on their vaginas; then maybe, just maybe...men might not be such sex crazed dogs!
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