So, I recently had a series of interesting conversations with some less than interesting women who have stated their opinion as "I use them." I found this disturbing...very fact down right disrespectful and more importantly, INACCURATE!
Woman 1 stated that I used her only for sex, and that she is not interested in doing that anymore. I respected her decision to not sleep with me again seeing how we were not going to be much more than two promiscuous beings. So...adios. But what bothered me is that she made it seem as if I forced her hand and made her have sex with me, or I twisted her judgment and played a Master Yoda mind trick on her and convinced her to sleep with me. No. She made a conscious decision to do what she did. Even when she arrived at my place she had a choice: Sleep with me or not sleep with me. It's not as if I was going to throw her out on her ass if she chose not to.
**Side Note** I'm not as big of an ass hole as people make me out to be. Well, at least not to someone I care about. And contrary to what they believe, every female that I have ever slept with has always received a certain amount of respect. I mean after all ladies, you did give up your womanhood to me...if only for one night (Luther Vandross tone).
Back to Woman 1
Since Woman 1 explained her emotional hang up with me via text message on her Blackberry or Iphone (which I swear that technology has made women even more stupid and cowardly), I decided to completely tell her about her self in written form as well. Long story short...I let her know that she is more responsible for having sex with me than I am. Sorry ladies but if you have not been raped, you are completely responsible. I am a firm believer that no means no and if this girl would have ever used the word NO, I would not be blogging about her now.
Verdict on Woman 1..........Sonny did not use her. She just didn't like the situation staying the way that it was and she was too much of a p***y to ask for a change. Sorry
Now Woman 2 is a little more complicated so I will shorten it.
She believed that if she gave a certain amount of effort and attention to me that I would completely drop everything that I knew and choose her to be my future wife and follow her across the globe as she traveled for her job. Blah Blah Blah! Unfortunately she never voiced this belief to me. So, when she carried out her assault on: "Target Sonny", the ball was forced into my court to make a decision of eventually marrying her. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?!?!? My immediate answer to her (though I actually did want to postpone and give it some thought) was a Martha Stewart, Mr. Rogers, PBS boring and simple...NO.
So in a fit of disappointment, she decides to call me a shit load of undeserving names and say that I lied to her and used her for her time. Mind you, I didn't know this "Target Sonny" mission was a do NOW or die black op.
My defense: I invested the same amount of time and money as you did. The only difference is that I can live with that and not feel used. So how come this doesn't work vice versa???
Verdict on Woman 2...........Sonny did not use her. In fact, Sonny was used as her own personal "capture the flag" winning icon.
So I am officially back in the game and to celebrate I think I am going to hit the Liberty Hotel tonight and enjoy some good music, good drinks, and good looking women (even though they don't like Real N****z {shout out to Eazy}).